One Joule is proud to announce that we are now an institutional supporter of the @Campaign for Greener Arbitrations: The Green Pledge by signing ‘The Green Pledge’.
The Campaign for Greener Arbitrations is an initiative to reduce the environmental impact of international arbitrations. The campaign was founded by International Arbitrator, Lucy Greenwood, in 2019, with the aim of significantly reducing the carbon footprint of the arbitration community. The campaign is made up of a group of arbitration practitioners committed to achieving sustainable change in the way arbitrations are managed. The campaign promotes awareness of the environmental impact of arbitrations and produces best practice guides on ways we all can act to minimize the carbon footprint of our practice.
One Joule has been promoting the mission of the @Campaign for Greener Arbitrations by creating digital tools that help arbitration practitioners comply with the Guiding Principles of the Green Pledge. In particular, One Joule's automatic legal citation tool, ex.CITE, "promot[es] the use of electronic bundles at hearings" and "electronic rather than hard copies of documents" in arbitral proceedings. One Joule continues developing additional tools for international dispute resolution that assist arbitration practitioners in reducing their environmental footprint by reducing energy consumption and waste.
We look forward to further supporting the @Campaign for Greener Arbitrations and making a positive impact on the environment with our work.
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